Looking for the perfect cool Xbox gamertag? We know Xbox Gamertag is more than just a name, it’s a identity in the gaming world, no matter it’s for fighting in multiplayer arenas, racing at top speeds or immersing yourself in epic adventures. The cool Gamertag or usernames represent gamer uniqueness and strength.
In this guide, we’ll explore a variety of Xbox Gamertag ideas across different themes from badass gamertags Xbox names to funny gamertags. Plus, learn the tips to pick the best gamer tag names and change it if needed. Let’s start and find the perfect name for your restarting gaming journey!
Table of Content
- Xbox Gamertag and Username Ideas
- Warrior and Badass Gamertags
- Funny and Witty Xbox Gamertags
- Sci-Fi and Futuristic Xbox Gamertags
- Mythical and Fantasy Xbox Gamertags
- Dark and Mysterious Xbox Gamertags
- Speed and Racing Xbox Gamertags
- Animal and Beast Xbox Gamertags
- Gamer and Meme Culture Xbox Gamertags
- Stylish and Cool Gamertags Xbox
- Horror and Creepy Xbox Gamertags
- Superhero and Villain Xbox Gamertags
- Elemental and Nature Themed Xbox Gamertags
- Anime and Manga Inspired Xbox Gamertags
- Medieval and Knight Themed Xbox Gamertags
- Hacker and Tech Xbox Gamertags
What Makes a Great Gamertag?
A great Gamertag should be unique, memorable and reflective of gamer personality and playstyle. It should be easy to read, pronounce and recognize in game. Creativity is key combine words! Use clever references or mix themes to make it stand out.
- Unique and memorable
- Easy to pronounce and spell
- Reflects your personality and interests
- Avoids numbers and special characters if possible
- Not too long or complicated
- Stands out without being offensive
- Creative wordplay or references
- Incorporates humor and cleverness if funny gamertags
- Sounds cool and intimidating if badass gamertags
1700+ Cool Gamertags and Usernames for Xbox
Explore a variety of Xbox gamertag and Username ideas from good gamertags to the best gamertags that will make you stand out. Finding the right Xbox names can be tough but this list includes cool gamertags to every type of gamer tag names to match any style.
Keep reading!
1. Warrior and Badass Gamertags Xbox
A strong Xbox Gamertag makes you look fearless. These warrior inspired names show power, strength and dominance. Whether you love battle royale games or intense FPS matches, a bold name sets you apart. Choose a tag that commands respect in every fight.
➢ Slayer and Reaper Gamertags ⚔️
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | ShadowSlayer | 11 | PhantomExecutioner |
2 | DoomReaper | 12 | NightfallReaper |
3 | DeathBringerZ | 13 | ReaperShadow |
4 | SkullCrusher99 | 14 | HellstormKnight |
5 | PhantomReaperX | 15 | ShadowCrusader |
6 | OmegaExecutioner | 16 | CrimsonPhantomX |
7 | FrostDagger | 17 | DeathbladeX |
8 | SilentExecutioner | 18 | HellbornAssassin |
9 | WarFangOverlord | 19 | NightPredator |
10 | FirestormReaper | 20 | VenomousReaper |
➢ Warrior and Gladiator Gamertags 🔥
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | SavageGladiator | 11 | StormfrontWarrior |
2 | WraithGladiator | 12 | NovaGladiatorX |
3 | TitanStriker | 13 | WarMachineOverlord |
4 | WarGodTitan | 14 | ArcaneWarbringer |
5 | IronWarlord | 15 | OutlawStorm99 |
6 | WarbringerX | 16 | ThunderFangKnight |
7 | ChaosLegionX | 17 | BattleMonarch |
8 | IcebornWarrior | 18 | TitanDominator |
9 | GladiatorGhost | 19 | OmegaBloodFang |
10 | BlazingChampion | 20 | WarhammerOverlord |
➢ Dark and Ruthless Gamertags 💀
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | DarkSentinel | 11 | ShadowStormWarrior |
2 | BlackOutKnight | 12 | PhantomDarkness99 |
3 | OblivionFighter | 13 | ShadowDominion |
4 | NightfallWarrior | 14 | SkullKnightOverlord |
5 | CrimsonBerserker | 15 | StormVindicator |
6 | ChaosVortex | 16 | DoomRiderX |
7 | HellbornDestroyer | 17 | NovaBerserkerX |
8 | VenomousKnight | 18 | VoidChampionX |
9 | StormRider99 | 19 | WrathbornChampion |
10 | InfernalRavager | 20 | TitanWarlock99 |
➢ Power and Fury Gamertags ⚡
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | TitanFury | 11 | DeathSpecterX |
2 | BloodRavenX | 12 | HellfireSoldier |
3 | SavageOverlord | 13 | BlazingBerserker |
4 | ThunderTitan | 14 | IronDaggerWarrior |
5 | VenomFist | 15 | CrimsonOverlord |
6 | ApexDestroyer | 16 | TitanOverlord99 |
7 | StormBreakerX | 17 | ThunderReckoning |
8 | RagePhantom | 18 | OutlawStriker |
9 | FrostTitan99 | 19 | SkullbornChampion |
10 | BattleHavoc | 20 | SavageBloodFang |
➢ Tactical and Military Gamertags 💣
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | IronPhantomWarrior | 11 | WarcryShadow |
2 | CyberWarlord | 12 | HellbladeKnight |
3 | OutlawWarlord | 13 | SkullfireBerserker |
4 | WarMachineX | 14 | SavageVortex99 |
5 | StormBreaker77 | 15 | ApexSentinelX |
6 | HellstormAvenger | 16 | VenomousOverlordX |
7 | BlazingWarpathX | 17 | DoomSentinel99 |
8 | DeathstormWarlord | 18 | StormbornChampion |
9 | IronBloodKnight | 19 | InfernalBloodKnight |
10 | WarlockKing | 20 | DarkPhoenixWarlord |
With a name like one of these, you’ll command respect on the battlefield. Choose your tag, sharpen your skills and get ready to conquer the gaming world with true warrior energy!
2. Funny and Witty Xbox Gamertags
Gaming should be fun and a funny Xbox Gamertag makes it even better! Clever wordplay, puns and hilarious names will get laughs in lobbies and keep things lighthearted. Whether you troll opponents or just enjoy memes, a witty tag is unforgettable.
➢ Classic Gaming Puns and Wordplay 🤣
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | CtrlAltDefeat | 11 | AimAssistOff |
2 | Error404SkillNotFound | 12 | JumpScarePro |
3 | InsertCoinNoob | 13 | FakeLoadingScreen |
4 | NoScopePotato | 14 | LagSwitchEngaged |
5 | RespawnRanger | 15 | TacticalCabbage |
6 | PanicAndSpray | 16 | FlashBangMeAgain |
7 | OutOfAmmoLOL | 17 | PlayingOneHanded |
8 | CampfireCamper | 18 | AFKButWinning |
9 | TeabagTitan | 19 | AlmostGoodAtThis |
10 | GGJustKidding | 20 | TooLazyToNameThis |
➢ Lag and Noob Themed Gamertags 😂
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | LaggyMcLagface | 11 | SlowInternetPro |
2 | WiFiWarrior | 12 | RektByLag |
3 | PingLord3000 | 13 | StuckOnSpectator |
4 | TheLaggingLegend | 14 | LostInSpawn |
5 | DeadByLags | 15 | CantFindTheExit |
6 | LagzillaX | 16 | MyOtherAccIsPro |
7 | StuckOnLoading | 17 | SniperBlindShot |
8 | FreeLootDelivery | 18 | LowBudgetNinja |
9 | ThisIsMyMainAlt | 19 | NoKillsOnlyLuck |
10 | GamertagPending | 20 | QuitRagingBro |
➢ Trolling and Memes 🔥
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | NoobMaster420 | 11 | GamertagTaken123 |
2 | MomSaidNoXbox | 12 | CallMeMaybeX |
3 | CouchCamper | 13 | StepBroReviveMe |
4 | SneakyBeakyYeet | 14 | MyCatDidThat |
5 | IHasNoGun | 15 | YeetForTheWin |
6 | DietMountainDew | 16 | MemesBeforeDreams |
7 | FartPoweredJet | 17 | ClickBaitChamp |
8 | NoScopeMop | 18 | NPCInDisguise |
9 | OopsWrongButton | 19 | NotEvenAnNPC |
10 | SoreLoser2000 | 20 | UninstallingSoon |
➢ Food Themed Gamertags 🧀
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | WaffleSniper | 11 | TacticalCabbage |
2 | ChickenNuggetX | 12 | PandaExpressKill |
3 | NachoCheat | 13 | PotatoAimX |
4 | SnaccAttackX | 14 | SpaghettiFingers |
5 | CoffeeAddict69 | 15 | LlamaDeluxe |
6 | YetiSpaghetti | 16 | PizzaLover5000 |
7 | FreeHugzPlz | 17 | SneakyPickle |
8 | ButterFingersX | 18 | MicrowaveHero |
9 | SaltAndRun | 19 | SnackBarSniper |
10 | CowTippingPro | 20 | CerealKiller69 |
➢ Ultimate Tryhard Fakeout Xbox User Names 🎮
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | MajorLagIncoming | 11 | SofaKingGood |
2 | NotYourDad | 12 | CantHitMeBro |
3 | StepBroReviveMe | 13 | IsThisRealLifeX |
4 | RunningWithScissors | 14 | SilentButCamping |
5 | 360NoSoap | 15 | HoldMyXP |
6 | NoKillJustVibes | 16 | TrollTollCollector |
7 | OneShotNoLuck | 17 | StunGrenadeSelf |
8 | AutoAimFailure | 18 | NotTheFinalBoss |
9 | HideAndPeek | 19 | CanIShootYet |
10 | OopsAllHeadshots | 20 | JustAFleshWound |
Next, Sci-Fi and Futuristic Gamertags inspired by space, technology and cyber themes. 🚀👽🔮
3. Sci-Fi and Futuristic Xbox Gamertags
Love sci-fi and cyber worlds? A futuristic Xbox Gamertag is perfect for space explorers, tech lovers and cyber warriors. Whether you’re a galactic soldier, an AI mastermind or a time traveling hero, a sci-fi tag will make you stand out.
➢ Sci-Fi and Futuristic Gamertags 🚀
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | QuantumRift | 21 | ChronoBlitz |
2 | CyberNinja007 | 22 | ParadoxTitan |
3 | MechaVortex | 23 | XenoHunterX |
4 | HoloSpecter | 24 | AIWraithX |
5 | NeutronPulse | 25 | CyberStorm99 |
6 | WarpDriveX | 26 | SolarFissionX |
7 | AndromedaKnight | 27 | NanoByteShadow |
8 | NanoWarriorX | 28 | AuroraNeonX |
9 | CyborgGlitch | 29 | TechnoOverdrive |
10 | VoidTraveler | 30 | SaturnWarden |
11 | ExoSuitX99 | 31 | CryoViper77 |
12 | AstroNovaX | 32 | GlitchProtocol |
13 | InterstellarNomad | 33 | InfinityHorizon |
14 | HyperionPrime | 34 | MechaRevenant |
15 | StarbornShadow | 35 | DataPhantomX |
16 | TimeWarpTitan | 36 | FusionWraith |
17 | PhotonReactor | 37 | MartianFury |
18 | PlasmaRogue | 38 | ChronoDagger |
19 | ZenithCyberX | 39 | CelestialOverlord |
20 | SynthWarden | 40 | IntergalacticVortex |
➢ Sci-Fi and Futuristic Gamertags 🌌
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | PulseShock99 | 21 | CryoWarpSniper |
2 | StarshipNomad | 22 | EchoMechX |
3 | VoidEchoX | 23 | FractalVoyager |
4 | QuantumOverdrive | 24 | GravityPhantom |
5 | TitanByteX | 25 | HyperlinkX |
6 | CosmicDagger | 26 | InfinityMecha |
7 | AstroByteWarrior | 27 | LazerStorm99 |
8 | PlasmaPioneer | 28 | MetaWarlockX |
9 | WarpGateRunner | 29 | NexusChronoX |
10 | HyperNovaX | 30 | OrionBlitz |
11 | SolarSpecterX | 31 | QuasarBountyHunter |
12 | AetherKnight | 32 | RadonStriker |
13 | DarkMatterRogue | 33 | StarbaseX99 |
14 | AlienCipherX | 34 | TerraformRanger |
15 | CyberneticNova | 35 | UFOGlitchX |
16 | GlitchSpecter99 | 36 | VoltaicVortex |
17 | SupernovaHunter | 37 | XenonGhostX |
18 | StellarForgeX | 38 | ZeroPointVanguard |
19 | Xenotech99 | 39 | AntimatterKnight |
20 | CelestialStriker | 40 | BinaryTitanX |
That’s 80 Sci-Fi and Futuristic Xbox Gamertags packed with cyber, space and tech vibes! 🚀💾
Also Read: Buy Game Accounts
4. Mythical and Fantasy Xbox Gamertags
Step into a world of magic, dragons and legendary creatures with a fantasy Xbox Gamertag. Whether you’re a mighty wizard, an elven warrior or a dark sorcerer, a mythical name makes you feel like a hero in an epic quest.
➢ Celestial and Astral Themed Gamertags 🔥
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | StarbornSage | 11 | Astravyx |
2 | Zephirothis | 12 | NebularisX |
3 | Celestivox | 13 | Aetherlith |
4 | Lunarionis | 14 | Ethervox |
5 | Solthorin | 15 | AstralFey |
6 | EvernightHowl | 16 | StormbornEnigma |
7 | CelestalisX | 17 | MoonloreX |
8 | StarveilSentinel | 18 | DreamveilX |
9 | Titanlore | 19 | Solvrynnis |
10 | NightborneMyth | 20 | StarbornWraith |
➢ Dragon and Beast Inspired Gamertags 🐉
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | DraconisMourn | 11 | FrostbornRavyn |
2 | WyvernSpecter | 12 | WraiththornX |
3 | Feralithor | 13 | PhantomGryphon |
4 | ShadowGriffon | 14 | CrimsonWyld |
5 | Titanthorn | 15 | WhisperfangX |
6 | Arcandriel | 16 | RaventhorneX |
7 | Dreadhowl | 17 | Frostmournic |
8 | Gryphoria | 18 | Wyveralis |
9 | Drakthorne | 19 | EbonflameWarden |
10 | Lycanithor | 20 | MoonfangReverie |
➢ Mystical and Enchanting Gamertags 🧙♂️
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | MythosVex | 11 | ArcadiaShade |
2 | SpellriftX | 12 | Whisperthorne |
3 | Enchanthor | 13 | RuneHollow |
4 | Arcantheon | 14 | Spellforged |
5 | RunebladeX | 15 | Runeshade |
6 | VerdantSage | 16 | Umbraflame |
7 | Ebonwhisper | 17 | Arcanthir |
8 | Netherion | 18 | Lutharionis |
9 | ObsidianFey | 19 | Eldoriah |
10 | Arcaviros | 20 | NetherthornX |
➢ Elven, Forest and Nature Themed Gamertags🌲
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | Eldervyne | 11 | VerdantMyth |
2 | Sylpharion | 12 | Everthorn |
3 | ThornveilX | 13 | Sylvatrix |
4 | FaeloriaX | 14 | Lythandros |
5 | Sylvenic | 15 | Whispernox |
6 | FaeborneX | 16 | Eldenova |
7 | DuskbornWarden | 17 | Dusklorien |
8 | FaebornLegacy | 18 | Virelithis |
9 | Zephrenyx | 19 | VerdantHowl |
10 | EverduskWarden | 20 | Faelwynis |
➢ Shadowy, Dark and Mysterious Gamertags ⚔️
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | Noctivara | 11 | VoidshroudX |
2 | Umbralith | 12 | EbonveilPhantom |
3 | Obscuranox | 13 | Duskhowler |
4 | WraithhornX | 14 | Duskravyn |
5 | NetherveilX | 15 | Tenebralis |
6 | FrostshadeX | 16 | Gloamrider |
7 | Vexenith | 17 | Darkenveil |
8 | Umbrenith | 18 | ShadowDominion |
9 | Infernalith | 19 | VoidravynX |
10 | Cryptthorn | 20 | NightbloomWarden |
➢ Regal and Legendary Gamertags 💎
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | Valdyris | 11 | Sylverthorn |
2 | Valkryndor | 12 | FrostveilX |
3 | Vaelgareth | 13 | ZephyrosX |
4 | EldorwynX | 14 | Riventhorne |
5 | TitanDominator | 15 | MythbornEcho |
6 | Aurivelle | 16 | Drakmorath |
7 | NightshadeFey | 17 | Celesthion |
8 | Orinthalas | 18 | Veylanix |
9 | Valtheris | 19 | FrosthavenX |
10 | MythrilVex | 20 | RunebladeX |
These names are 100% unique and crafted to sound legendary, mystical, enchanting and creative gamertags. 🌙✨
5. Dark and Mysterious Xbox Gamertags
If you love mystery and shadows, a dark Xbox Gamertag is the way to go. Perfect for stealth players and horror fans, these names add a sense of fear and intrigue. Let your tag reflect your silent but deadly gaming style.
➢ Shadow and Stealth Gamertags 🖤
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | Nyxveil | 11 | Duskravyn |
2 | VeilbornX | 12 | PhantomshroudX |
3 | Tenebrix | 13 | Whispervenge |
4 | Abysswalker99 | 14 | Vanishborn |
5 | Ebonrift | 15 | Wraithbound |
6 | Hollowgrin | 16 | CryptwraithX |
7 | Vexshade | 17 | EbonomenX |
8 | DaggerfallX | 18 | ForsakenVeil |
9 | NocturnalisX | 19 | RevenantXerath |
10 | Obscurith | 20 | MaliceRuin99 |
➢ Gothic and Macabre Gamertags 🦇
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | HollowTide | 11 | WispbornPhantom |
2 | SinisterVeil | 12 | Malevolith |
3 | NoctisHollow | 13 | AbyssLament |
4 | ForsakenHallow | 14 | Morbidus99 |
5 | Necrovenge | 15 | Witherborn |
6 | GrimhowlX | 16 | WraithVortex |
7 | Phantomdusk | 17 | Necroshade99 |
8 | Daggerhex | 18 | ObsidianSorrow |
9 | DusksorrowX | 19 | SilentRevenant |
10 | BlackthornEcho | 20 | PhantomEclipse |
➢ Cursed and Haunted Gamertags 👁🗨
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | ShadowHymn | 11 | Gloamspecter |
2 | OmenfangX | 12 | ForsakenRuneX |
3 | CryptthornX | 13 | RevenantLament |
4 | Ebonthorn99 | 14 | HollowveilX |
5 | DaggerveilX | 15 | Mournveil |
6 | Malevolshade99 | 16 | PhantomChalice |
7 | DuskriftPhantom | 17 | WidowhexX |
8 | Umbracurse | 18 | Grimthistle |
9 | Eclipseborn | 19 | Cursedshade99 |
10 | Harrowshade | 20 | Hollowhymn |
➢ Phantom and Wraith Gamertags ⚰️
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | Wraithhex99 | 11 | AshenvexX |
2 | PhantomHushX | 12 | NightfallHymn |
3 | SpecterwolfX | 13 | NocturneFang |
4 | LurkingRaven | 14 | DuskwraithHollow |
5 | Thorneclipse | 15 | PhantomVexen |
6 | PaleRequiem | 16 | Bleakfang |
7 | CursedHaven | 17 | Wraithsong99 |
8 | Nightmourn99 | 18 | Grimshade99 |
9 | FadedRuinX | 19 | WhisperthornX |
10 | CryptbornRequiem | 20 | LurkerFang |
➢ Sinister and Malevolent Gamertags 🕷
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | WidowhexX | 11 | Shadowmourn99 |
2 | GrimOmenX | 12 | MaleficShadeX |
3 | MalphasNight | 13 | WraithlureX |
4 | Nightwhisper99 | 14 | Whisperfang |
5 | CryptRuin | 15 | BleakVortex |
6 | GloomfangX | 16 | HollowDaggerX |
7 | Ravencrypt99 | 17 | EbonhowlX |
8 | BlackVesper | 18 | PhantomPallor |
9 | ShroudveilX | 19 | NightcursePhantom |
10 | VortexLurkerX | 20 | EclipsingRuin |
➢ Eerie and Enigmatic Gamertags 🌒
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | Duskwalker | 11 | GloamingCreep |
2 | NoctisVexenX | 12 | PaleHymn99 |
3 | AshenRequiemX | 13 | Silencemourn |
4 | SilentThornX | 14 | DusksongPhantom |
5 | VespermournX | 15 | EbonDagger99 |
6 | UmbralSong99 | 16 | ForsakenXen |
7 | AbyssNocturneX | 17 | Morosveil |
8 | SpectralGloamX | 18 | GloamsorrowX |
9 | SablethornX | 19 | ObscuraXenith |
10 | ShadowGloamX | 20 | Mournblade99 |
These are completely creative gamertags that seems like eerie and filled with dark energy. 🌑👁🗨💀
6. Speed and Racing Xbox Gamertags
A racing inspired Xbox Gamertag is all about fast reflexes and adrenaline. Whether you’re into high speed chases, drifting or competitive racing, these names scream pure velocity. Choose a tag that shows you’re built for speed.
➢ High Speed and Turbocharged Gamertags 🏎
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | VelocityViper | 21 | ApexTorque99 |
2 | NitroFuryX | 22 | JetDrifterX |
3 | TurboCyclone | 23 | NitroFlicker99 |
4 | ApexStriker99 | 24 | SonicWarpX |
5 | DriftVortexX | 25 | DragFury99 |
6 | HyperGlide | 26 | TrackPhantomX |
7 | SpeedVexX | 27 | AdrenalineHunter |
8 | SlipstreamRogue | 28 | DashFangX |
9 | AdrenalineSurge | 29 | RapidGlitch99 |
10 | SupersonicEdge | 30 | ApexMomentumX |
11 | RevvedUp99 | 31 | CycloneDrift99 |
12 | MachThrasherX | 32 | SlipstreamRogueX |
13 | JetstreamFury | 33 | JetSpeedFury |
14 | ThrottleGhost | 34 | ZeroLagRacerX |
15 | RapidStormX | 35 | SpeedRogue99 |
16 | OverdriveTitan | 36 | IgnitionNovaX |
17 | BlazingMomentum | 37 | RedlineVortex |
18 | SonicRavagerX | 38 | CircuitFangX |
19 | DriftPhantom99 | 39 | GhostLap99 |
20 | BlurredRealityX | 40 | MachGhostX |
➢ Apex Racers and Velocity Legends 🚀
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | TurboDash99 | 21 | DashPhantomX |
2 | VelocityThrustX | 22 | RevGale99 |
3 | ApexSpeedster99 | 23 | DragWarpX |
4 | NitrousHavocX | 24 | VelocityTalon99 |
5 | RevStormDrift | 25 | SpeedlightX |
6 | IgnitionShredderX | 26 | RPMBlitz99 |
7 | AsphaltDagger99 | 27 | TrackInfernoX |
8 | HyperXenith | 28 | SonicDrake99 |
9 | ApexMomentumX | 29 | ApexFlashX |
10 | WarpDrive99 | 30 | DragSurge99 |
11 | SonicTornadoX | 31 | ZeroThrottleX |
12 | HighOctane99 | 32 | IgnitionClaw99 |
13 | DriftEnforcerX | 33 | RedlineSurgeX |
14 | RPMShadow99 | 34 | Blazewheel99 |
15 | CircuitHowlX | 35 | ApexRevengerX |
16 | ApexCyclone99 | 36 | HyperShadow99 |
17 | SonicThrustX | 37 | OverboostX |
18 | RapidFlash99 | 38 | NitroApex99 |
19 | TrackBlazeX | 39 | CycloneDriftX |
20 | TurboPhantom99 | 40 | IgnitionRaider99 |
These 80 original gamertags embody high speed adrenaline, turbocharged excitement and racing dominance. 🏎️💨
Also Read: Best GFX Tool for PUBG
7. Animal and Beast Xbox Gamertags
Unleash your wild side with a beastly Xbox Gamertag. Whether you channel the ferocity of a lion, the speed of a falcon or the cunning of a wolf, these names bring out your inner predator in every game.
➢ Apex Predator Gamertags 🦅
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | FangbornX | 11 | IronHawkX |
2 | TalonStrike99 | 12 | NightTalonX |
3 | ApexFangX | 13 | EclipseLynx99 |
4 | ClawTyrant99 | 14 | PhantomJaguar99 |
5 | ShadowProwler99 | 15 | RiftFalconX |
6 | WarbeastVexX | 16 | SavageTalon99 |
7 | ThunderPumaX | 17 | CrimsonProwlX |
8 | ObsidianRaptor99 | 18 | AbyssTigerX |
9 | VortexViperX | 19 | FrostProwlerX |
10 | InfernoBeast99 | 20 | SilentLeopardX |
➢ Venomous and Stealthy Gamertags 🐍
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | VenomLynx99 | 11 | ShadowAnaconda99 |
2 | VileRavenX | 12 | RiftBadger99 |
3 | VoidSerpentX | 13 | NocturnalViper99 |
4 | FrostCobraX | 14 | SilentTarantulaX |
5 | EclipseBoa99 | 15 | PhantomSable99 |
6 | CinderSerpent99 | 16 | CrimsonHawk99 |
7 | PhantomMongoose99 | 17 | VenomousWren99 |
8 | ThunderPythonX | 18 | GhostWolverineX |
9 | ChaosVultureX | 19 | WildSpecterX |
10 | VenomousPantherX | 20 | PhantomRattlesnake99 |
➢ Cunning and Agile Gamertags 🦊
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | MirageFox99 | 11 | RiftFox99 |
2 | DirefangHunter99 | 12 | SpectralCondor99 |
3 | ObsidianCheetahX | 13 | PhantomIbex99 |
4 | NightClawX | 14 | FrostDrakeX |
5 | WarhoundRogue99 | 15 | DireWeasel99 |
6 | SilentCoyoteX | 16 | ChaosCaracal99 |
7 | ArcticProwler99 | 17 | WildthornRogue |
8 | TempestOrcaX | 18 | CycloneFerretX |
9 | DaggerWeaselX | 19 | EmberOtterX |
10 | EclipseScorpionX | 20 | ApexCaracalX |
➢ Mythical and Beastly Gamertags 🐺
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | TitanFang99 | 11 | TitanKomodoX |
2 | PhantomHyenaX | 12 | CrimsonTortoiseX |
3 | SpectralWolfX | 13 | EmberVulture99 |
4 | DireHareX | 14 | WarboundTigrisX |
5 | TitanQuokkaX | 15 | PhantomMoth99 |
6 | AbyssHound99 | 16 | ThunderMantisX |
7 | CycloneBasiliskX | 17 | RiftRaccoon99 |
8 | NocturnalKomodo99 | 18 | PhantomHeronX |
9 | FrostAnacondaX | 19 | TitanAxolotlX |
10 | SavageWisp99 | 20 | RiftStingrayX |
➢ Strong and Majestic Gamertags 🦁
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | IronWolf99 | 11 | TempestRavenX |
2 | SavageFalcon99 | 12 | RegalBarracudaX |
3 | ObsidianMeerkat99 | 13 | IronPenguin99 |
4 | BrimstoneMongoose99 | 14 | NocturnalCaimanX |
5 | EmberJackal99 | 15 | DireJaguarX |
6 | MysticJackal99 | 16 | WildTamarinX |
7 | TitanWombat99 | 17 | RiftOspreyX |
8 | ChaosMuskrat99 | 18 | RiftHornbill99 |
9 | EclipseGorillaX | 19 | ObsidianNarwhalX |
10 | ThunderWallaby99 | 20 | SavagePelican99 |
➢ Exotic and Unique Gamertags 🔥
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | TitanErmine99 | 11 | RiftSeahorseX |
2 | FrostAlpacaX | 12 | SpectralTarsier99 |
3 | CrimsonAardwolf99 | 13 | PhantomDingoX |
4 | NocturnalCapybara99 | 14 | ObsidianMacaw99 |
5 | ApexOcelotX | 15 | PhantomMandrillX |
6 | CrimsonGeckoX | 16 | SpectralQuetzal99 |
7 | EmberHummingbirdX | 17 | ChaosKingfisher99 |
8 | AbyssPangolin99 | 18 | EclipseSwan99 |
9 | ThunderShrikeX | 19 | PhantomVultureX |
10 | EmberBatX | 20 | VortexToad99 |
These 120 original usernames for Xbox are inspired by real and mythical beasts, combining speed, stealth, power and ferocity …..🐺🦅🐍🔥
8. Gamer and Meme Culture Xbox Gamertags
If you’re a true gamer, a meme inspired Xbox Gamertag is a must! From inside jokes to viral references, these names show your deep connection to gaming culture and internet humor. Let the memes power your game!
➢ Tryhard and Competitive Gamertags 🔥
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | GGNoRekt | 11 | ClutchOrKickX |
2 | OPButNoAim | 12 | WallbangWizzard |
3 | NerfMePls | 13 | OneTapNoCap |
4 | TryHardTears | 14 | Prestige0Forever |
5 | PingLordX | 15 | SweatModeEnabled |
6 | SmurfAccountX | 16 | 360NopeScope |
7 | EZPZLemonSqueezy | 17 | 1HPAndADream |
8 | AimAssistOff | 18 | MetaSlaveX |
9 | AimBotNoBrain | 19 | DiamondSmurf99 |
10 | RektalDisaster | 20 | Gold1Delusion |
➢ Meme and Troll Gamertags 😂
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | 404SkillNotFound | 11 | InstaDropperX |
2 | AltF4Warrior | 12 | BuffMeDaddy |
3 | LaggyMcFrames | 13 | MLGFidgetSpinner |
4 | ToxicityOver9000 | 14 | GGButUnlucky |
5 | DLCisMyLife | 15 | 144pWarrior |
6 | Pay2WinWeeb | 16 | NerfTheSun |
7 | ClickbaitChampion | 17 | NerfMyWallet |
8 | ClownFiestaX | 18 | BoostedBeyondBelief |
9 | AutoBalanceTroll | 19 | MatchmakingPain |
10 | PoggersOrBust | 20 | RespawnSimulator |
➢ Lag, Ping and Tech Related Gamertags 🎯
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | MicroLagDealer | 11 | DisconnectedAgain |
2 | FPSDropMaster | 12 | OofSoundboard99 |
3 | InvisibleHitbox | 13 | PhantomHitmarker |
4 | HUDHoarder | 14 | FrameDropsOnly |
5 | KeyboardSmasherX | 15 | MaxPing999 |
6 | LagCompAbuser | 16 | ConnectionLost99 |
7 | PingOver9000 | 17 | InvisibleWall99 |
8 | 2PingGod | 18 | DisconnectChampion |
9 | FPSIsAMyth | 19 | ControllerDriftX |
10 | TrashTalkChamp | 20 | LowResTextureX |
➢ Casual and Funny Gamertags 🕹️
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | RespawnLootGoblin | 11 | BunnyHopBoi |
2 | AFKForSnacks | 12 | TacticalPotato |
3 | SnaccOrSmacc | 13 | RespawnOrRage |
4 | BrbRespawning | 14 | SideQuestOnly |
5 | Uninstall.exe | 15 | XpFarmChampion |
6 | GameOverDude | 16 | StealthBushCamper |
7 | FeederBotX | 17 | FreeToPlayPeasant |
8 | HardstuckForever | 18 | DefaultSkin4Life |
9 | DodgeQueueKing | 19 | VoiceChatChaos |
10 | CursedLoadoutX | 20 | ReportMeLater |
These 80 original gamertags are packed with gaming slang, meme culture references and inside jokes that only real gamers will understand. 🎮🔥
9. Stylish and Cool Gamertags Xbox
Some gamers prefer style over chaos. A cool one word gamertags makes you effortlessly iconic. Whether it’s smooth, trendy or simple yet powerful, a stylish name stands out in any lobby without trying too hard.
➢ Luxe and Elegant Gamertags 💎
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | LuxePhantomX | 11 | LuminousRogueX |
2 | ApexAesthetic | 12 | GravityVelvet99 |
3 | SmoothOperator77 | 13 | AeroNovaX |
4 | LiquidNoirX | 14 | ChillSpecter99 |
5 | SupremeEchoX | 15 | MercuryFadeX |
6 | PlatinumAuraX | 16 | LunarRendX |
7 | RegalFrostX | 17 | OmegaStealth99 |
8 | SuaveSpectra99 | 18 | SilkenVortexX |
9 | ExquisiteRogueX | 19 | EclipsePrismX |
10 | OpulentDriftX | 20 | RoyaleMystX |
➢ Futuristic and Cosmic Gamertags 🌌
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | CosmicTempoX | 11 | QuantumCrimsonX |
2 | ZenithPulse99 | 12 | ArcticVortexX |
3 | VantaReverieX | 13 | StealthGravityX |
4 | ObsidianFlowX | 14 | PrestigeNoirX |
5 | NimbusChrome99 | 15 | VelvetSolstice99 |
6 | MirageEclipseX | 16 | LuminousHorizonX |
7 | SolarOpulentX | 17 | FrostPhantomX |
8 | MonochromeNovaX | 18 | PlatinumDrift99 |
9 | GravitySlickX | 19 | EmberEleganceX |
10 | CelestialVerve99 | 20 | SuaveAegisX |
➢ Trendy and Urban Gamertags 🌀
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | UrbanZenith99 | 11 | UrbaneEchoX |
2 | TitanAuraX | 12 | RegalVortexX |
3 | DapperArcadeX | 13 | InfiniteNocturneX |
4 | SteezyStrideX | 14 | PhantomLucid99 |
5 | ChicHorizon99 | 15 | VelvetSovereignX |
6 | VogueTundraX | 16 | NovaSereneX |
7 | ArcticOpalX | 17 | ApexTempestX |
8 | OpulentNebulaX | 18 | PinnacleSilkX |
9 | SilkSolsticeX | 19 | UrbanPulseX |
10 | PrimeRenditionX | 20 | EclipseLushX |
➢ Smooth and Minimalist Gamertags 🌠
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | VeloVortex99 | 11 | VortexPoiseX |
2 | NeonDriftX | 12 | PrismLucid99 |
3 | FrostByteChill | 13 | ShadowSilkenX |
4 | SilkenShadowX | 14 | ChicTundraX |
5 | LushInfernoX | 15 | LuxeStealthX |
6 | DriftHushX | 16 | RoyalAesthetic99 |
7 | EclipsePrismX | 17 | UrbaneSereneX |
8 | TimelessRadiantX | 18 | LushVerveX |
9 | ZephyrGlossX | 19 | OnyxTempoX |
10 | DuskTitanX | 20 | PolishedFrost99 |
These 80 original gamertags are designed to sound modern, sleek and effortlessly stylish…✨🔥
Also Read: Most Demanding Games 2025
10. Horror and Creepy Xbox Gamertags
A horror Xbox Gamertag will send shivers down your opponents’ spines. Inspired by ghosts, serial killers and eerie legends, these names bring a dark and chilling vibe to any game. Let fear be your weapon!
➢ Ghostly and Supernatural Gamertags ☠️
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | GravebornX | 11 | PhantomShriekX |
2 | HollowVeil99 | 12 | NecroTremorX |
3 | NoEyesWatching | 13 | SoullessGraveX |
4 | LurkingEchoX | 14 | BansheeWeep99 |
5 | CryptRevenantX | 15 | HuskWalkerX |
6 | BloodstainedWhisper | 16 | MalevolentShadeX |
7 | NightmareHostX | 17 | ShadowedTormentX |
8 | UnholyGrin99 | 18 | PlaguebornX |
9 | WraithChantX | 19 | MurmurTomb99 |
10 | BlackFogCaller | 20 | SinisterKnellX |
➢ Slasher and Serial Killer Gamertags 🔪
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | BloodMoonLurker | 11 | BloodcurdleX |
2 | CasketDweller99 | 12 | DoomwhisperX |
3 | HowlingTormentX | 13 | HollowTremorX |
4 | NightGhoulX | 14 | SkeletalWeaver99 |
5 | DreadSpecterX | 15 | ShadowedWretchX |
6 | ForgottenTerrorX | 16 | ForgottenHostX |
7 | HollowCreepX | 17 | GoryPhantomX |
8 | UnseenLurker99 | 18 | FleshedHollow99 |
9 | GuttedSmileX | 19 | PaleKnellX |
10 | PestilentEchoX | 20 | EerieSepulcherX |
➢ Haunted and Cursed Gamertags 🩸
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | ScreechingCryptX | 11 | HauntedFangs99 |
2 | RestlessHowlX | 12 | MoonlitGhastX |
3 | SilentMacabreX | 13 | SunkenEvilX |
4 | CrimsonWraith99 | 14 | RottingCovenX |
5 | RottingGrinX | 15 | DaggerToothWretch |
6 | PhantomLamentX | 16 | TombHowlerX |
7 | AbysmalShadeX | 17 | BleakHungerX |
8 | PlaguedFlesh99 | 18 | TheLostChime99 |
9 | StygianGhastX | 19 | SableWardenX |
10 | BloodlettingWailX | 20 | DrownedTormentX |
➢ Dark Legends and Horror Myths Gamertags 🕷️
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | ForsakenPhobiaX | 11 | BloodFangedHuskX |
2 | PurgatoryChantX | 12 | AshborneCryptX |
3 | CrypticLamentX | 13 | DrainedHungerX |
4 | EndlessDoom99 | 14 | UnendingWailX |
5 | LurkingTombX | 15 | WailingMiasmaX |
6 | CrawlingPallorX | 16 | TheVanishedGhastX |
7 | ShatteredSoulX | 17 | ShadeboundWhisperX |
8 | WickedTremorX | 18 | TheCursedPulseX |
9 | SpectralDagger99 | 19 | TheSilentKnellX |
10 | VeilOfTheDamnedX | 20 | TheUnresting99 |
These 80 good usernames for Xbox are built to be creepy, eerie and spine chilling, inspired by horror, the supernatural and the unknown….👁🗨💀
11. Superhero and Villain Xbox Gamertags
Be the hero or villain of your gaming world! A superhero Xbox Gamertag shows your justice seeking spirit while a villainous tag makes you the ultimate antagonist. Choose your side and embrace your comic book persona.
➢ Superhero and Heroic Gamertags 🦸♂️🔥
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | ApexVigilanteX | 31 | NebulaSentinelX |
2 | TitanBlitz99 | 32 | StratosBoltX |
3 | ValorSpecterX | 33 | DuskChampionX |
4 | RadiantPulseX | 34 | GravityDefenderX |
5 | ZenithGuardianX | 35 | PrimeJusticeX |
6 | CelestialStrikerX | 36 | InfiniCoreX |
7 | NovaSentinelX | 37 | PlatinumAegisX |
8 | HyperionWaveX | 38 | MeteorStrikeX |
9 | VortexChampionX | 39 | HyperKnightX |
10 | LuminousAvenger99 | 40 | BrimstoneSentinelX |
11 | PhantomAegisX | 41 | QuantumGuardianX |
12 | InfinityBeaconX | 42 | UltraVirtuosoX |
13 | SolsticeKnightX | 43 | ChronoWarriorX |
14 | StarboundHeroX | 44 | EmberVigilantX |
15 | OmegaProtectorX | 45 | ZenithParagonX |
16 | ChromeJusticeX | 46 | SolarPulseX |
17 | ParagonSentinelX | 47 | MajesticSaviorX |
18 | SolarVanguard99 | 48 | CelestusPrimeX |
19 | TitanResurgeX | 49 | ArcaneSentinelX |
20 | AstralPaladinX | 50 | NebulaRiderX |
21 | QuantumVirtueX | 51 | SupremusValorX |
22 | TheGloriousHawk | 52 | FrostboundSentryX |
23 | IronValorX | 53 | InfernalChampionX |
24 | SupremeGuardianX | 54 | DaggerKnightX |
25 | ZenithRiderX | 55 | LunarJusticeX |
26 | AlphaDefenderX | 56 | StormbreakerX |
27 | TerraWard99 | 57 | ObsidianVanguardX |
28 | ShieldbornTitanX | 58 | ThunderAegisX |
29 | SkyblazerX | 59 | EmberSovereignX |
30 | TitanFistX | 60 | GalacticChampionX |
➢ Villain and Anti Hero Gamertags 🦹♂️⚡😈
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | AbyssWardenX | 31 | GrimNightmareX |
2 | DarkbornViperX | 32 | DoomSovereignX |
3 | VenomousCrestX | 33 | ApexMalevolenceX |
4 | ShadowRequiemX | 34 | InfernalTyrantX |
5 | PhantomNemesisX | 35 | TheCinderFiend |
6 | BlightOverlordX | 36 | OnyxMaliceX |
7 | DaggerfangX | 37 | RazorPhantomX |
8 | ObsidianWrathX | 38 | WraithHavocX |
9 | CrimsonVortexX | 39 | OblivionStrikerX |
10 | VoidSpecterX | 40 | LunarVengeanceX |
11 | ThorneDoomX | 41 | DaggerMancerX |
12 | TheMireFuryX | 42 | CorruptusPrimeX |
13 | CursedOverlordX | 43 | NightmarePurgeX |
14 | MalicePhantomX | 44 | DreadOblivionX |
15 | EclipseTyrantX | 45 | PhantomCarnageX |
16 | NecroHexX | 46 | TormentHexX |
17 | TyrantNightX | 47 | DarkflareTyrantX |
18 | BloodfangRogueX | 48 | OmenWrathX |
19 | VeilReaperX | 49 | NefariousBoltX |
20 | NocturneEnigmaX | 50 | HavocEntityX |
21 | TheForsakenStrife | 51 | NightstalkerX |
22 | HavocLegionX | 52 | HellfireCrestX |
23 | ShadowborneX | 53 | ShadowfangX |
24 | ChaosWarlordX | 54 | StygianBlightX |
25 | FrostvenomX | 55 | ForsakenMonarchX |
26 | VenatorDreadX | 56 | MalevolentPurgeX |
27 | CorruptSpecterX | 57 | HexbornOverlordX |
28 | TheDarkConquerorX | 58 | InfernoWhisperX |
29 | WretchedWarlordX | 59 | MorbidVisageX |
30 | TheTwistedKnightX | 60 | EternalTormentX |
These nature and elemental inspired gamertags harness the power of earth, water, fire, air and beyond. Each name is 100% original! 🌿🔥⚡❄️🌊
12. Elemental and Nature Themed Xbox Gamertags
Earth, fire, water and air nature has power and so can your Xbox Gamertag. Whether you want to be as unstoppable as a storm or as calm as a flowing river, an elemental name connects you to the forces of nature.
➢ Fire and Lava Themed Gamertags 🔥
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | EmberTitanX | 11 | EmberFang99 |
2 | PyroVortex99 | 12 | MoltenGuardianX |
3 | InfernoHowlX | 13 | FurnaceReckonX |
4 | ScorchWardenX | 14 | AshenSpecterX |
5 | LavaFuryX | 15 | HellfireTorrentX |
6 | BlazingPhantomX | 16 | PhoenixRendX |
7 | MagmaStrikerX | 17 | EmberhowlReaverX |
8 | CinderStormX | 18 | PyroRequiemX |
9 | FlarebornKnightX | 19 | BlazeSerpentX |
10 | WildfireWraithX | 20 | CharredVortexX |
➢ Water and Ice Themed Gamertags 💧
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | AquaPhantomX | 11 | ShiverWraithX |
2 | GlacierSovereignX | 12 | GlacierPulseX |
3 | TidalReaperX | 13 | DepthbornSpecterX |
4 | AbyssSurgeX | 14 | FrostTideX |
5 | FrostbornEchoX | 15 | TempestTorrentX |
6 | OceanicTitanX | 16 | RimeHowlerX |
7 | CryoShadeX | 17 | AquaNovaX |
8 | IcefangReaverX | 18 | CrystalTorrentX |
9 | TsunamiSentinelX | 19 | DeepwaterEchoX |
10 | ArcticVigilantX | 20 | FrozenVeilX |
➢ Wind and Air Themed Gamertags 🌪️
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | StormborneTitanX | 11 | TurbulentAetherX |
2 | ZephyrFangX | 12 | MistralNemesisX |
3 | CycloneSentinelX | 13 | Vortexhowl99 |
4 | AeroVortexX | 14 | ThunderbornHawkX |
5 | GaleHowlerX | 15 | StratosWardenX |
6 | SkywardSpecterX | 16 | RagingZephyrX |
7 | ThunderCurrentX | 17 | ShockwaveTyrantX |
8 | WhisperingTyphoonX | 18 | RoaringTempestX |
9 | JetstreamWraithX | 19 | NimbusChampionX |
10 | LightningPhantomX | 20 | CyclonePulseX |
➢ Earth and Stone Themed Gamertags ⛰️
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | TerraTremorX | 11 | CanyonWardenX |
2 | ObsidianColossusX | 12 | BedrockPhantomX |
3 | GraniteHowlerX | 13 | AvalanchePulseX |
4 | BoulderTitanX | 14 | EmeraldStrikerX |
5 | CragbornKnightX | 15 | SoilbornHowlX |
6 | RockslideReaperX | 16 | ShaleRampartX |
7 | MudslideFuryX | 17 | RuptureVanguardX |
8 | GeodeSentinelX | 18 | DuneShadowX |
9 | EarthquakeWraithX | 19 | QuartzAegisX |
10 | StonefangChampionX | 20 | TerraflareX |
➢ Nature, Plants and Forest Themed Gamertags 🌿
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | ThornshadeX | 11 | ForestBlightX |
2 | VerdantEchoX | 12 | MeadowHowlX |
3 | MossfangWraithX | 13 | BarkskinSovereignX |
4 | WildwoodSentinelX | 14 | LeafstormTyrantX |
5 | IvyboundSpecterX | 15 | TimberChampionX |
6 | BriarTitanX | 16 | FeralThornX |
7 | PetalPhantomX | 17 | BloomStrikerX |
8 | ThicketWardenX | 18 | CanopyGuardianX |
9 | VinebornFuryX | 19 | SunvineAegisX |
10 | FloralReaperX | 20 | RootboundKnightX |
➢ Lightning and Energy Themed Gamertags ⚡
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | VoltRiderX | 11 | IonBlitzX |
2 | ThunderHowlX | 12 | ThunderingRampartX |
3 | ShockwaveTyrantX | 13 | StaticChampionX |
4 | StormboundFuryX | 14 | CracklingVeilX |
5 | ArcFlashReaverX | 15 | StormbringerX |
6 | TeslaSpecterX | 16 | PulsebornStrikerX |
7 | ElectraWardenX | 17 | ArclightTitanX |
8 | PlasmaPhantomX | 18 | ThunderveilX |
9 | HyperchargeX | 19 | OverchargeSentinelX |
10 | StormsurgeKnightX | 20 | ShockNovaX |
➢ Cosmic and Celestial Themed Gamertags 🌌
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | NebulaFuryX | 11 | AstralisKnightX |
2 | SolarEclipseX | 12 | CometChampionX |
3 | CosmicAegisX | 13 | LuminousPhantomX |
4 | StardustHowlX | 14 | PulsarBlitzX |
5 | MoonfireWraithX | 15 | VoidstormX |
6 | CelestialEchoX | 16 | CosmicPulseX |
7 | EclipseSentinelX | 17 | SupernovaRampartX |
8 | RadiantStrikerX | 18 | AstroVanguardX |
9 | StarlitTitanX | 19 | MeteorbornKnightX |
10 | EclipseWardenX | 20 | QuantumGuardianX |
➢ Shadow and Ether Themed Gamertags 🌑
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | DuskriseX | 11 | StarlessReaperX |
2 | PhantomMistX | 12 | VoidbornSpecterX |
3 | GloombornKnightX | 13 | CelestialDuskX |
4 | TwilightVortexX | 14 | SolarDriftX |
5 | UmbralSentinelX | 15 | AbyssalPhantomX |
6 | VeilbornFuryX | 16 | WraithlightX |
7 | NebularShadeX | 17 | UmbraPulseX |
8 | MoonshadeStrikerX | 18 | EclipseGaleX |
9 | ObscureTitanX | 19 | ShroudedNebulaX |
10 | EclipsingHowlX | 20 | NightflareSentinelX |
➢ Miscellaneous Elemental and Nature Themed Gamertags 🌈
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | PrismFuryX | 11 | SolsticeKnightX |
2 | Emberwave99 | 12 | TempestbornStrikerX |
3 | RainstormEchoX | 13 | InfernalWardenX |
4 | FrostfireTitanX | 14 | ShadowGaleX |
5 | SunburstWraithX | 15 | EmberMonarchX |
6 | BlizzardChampionX | 16 | OceanbornAegisX |
7 | HorizonReaverX | 17 | RadiantStormX |
8 | SolarFlareX | 18 | StarlightAetherX |
9 | ThunderfallX | 19 | InfernalNovaX |
10 | CrystalSurgeX | 20 | DawnbringerX |
These 180 never before seen Elemental and Nature Themed Gamertags embody the raw power of fire, water, earth, wind, electricity, cosmic energy and nature. 🌿🔥⚡❄️🌊
Also Read: How to Reset Graphics Card
13. Anime and Manga Inspired Xbox Gamertags
For anime lovers, a manga inspired Xbox Gamertag is a perfect choice. Whether you’re a shonen warrior, a rogue ninja or a god like villain, these names bring the energy of your favorite anime characters into gaming.
➢ Shonen Hero and Warrior Gamertags 🔥
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | BlazingRoninX | 11 | BushidoNovaX |
2 | ValorNoKenX | 12 | SenkaiWraithX |
3 | InfernoJinchurikiX | 13 | KendoReckonX |
4 | ShinraHowlX | 14 | TitanSoulRaiX |
5 | SpiritBladeSoraX | 15 | EmberRoninX |
6 | StarboundRyuuX | 16 | CrimsonTetsuX |
7 | TenkaChampionX | 17 | KyotoVanguardX |
8 | KageShogunX | 18 | ShadowKatanaX |
9 | RadiantSamuraiX | 19 | RisingFubukiX |
10 | OniStrikerX | 20 | GekidoChampionX |
➢ Isekai Anime and Fantasy Gamertags 🌌
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | ArcaneSeireiX | 11 | DungeonTacticianX |
2 | VoidbornMagusX | 12 | SpiritboundKiroX |
3 | ExiledHeroTamaX | 13 | FrostEmperorZenX |
4 | AstralDungeonX | 14 | PhantomDrakeX |
5 | PhantomKnightRinX | 15 | CursedWandererX |
6 | SageOfEldoriaX | 16 | SorceryOfMidoriaX |
7 | RiftbornAlchemistX | 17 | ArcadiaNoTenshiX |
8 | LostKingdomYuuX | 18 | MagitekRequiemX |
9 | MysticYggdrasilX | 19 | RuneCipherX |
10 | ReincarnateNoKamiX | 20 | GrimoireEchoX |
➢ Mecha and Cyberpunk Gamertags 🤖
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | NeoTokyoReaperX | 11 | AstralisMachinaX |
2 | CyberNexusX | 12 | TeknosenshiX |
3 | OmegaMechRyoX | 13 | QuantumSamuraiX |
4 | ChromeKenseiX | 14 | OverrideKenshinX |
5 | HoloKnightSigmaX | 15 | ZeroFrameKaiX |
6 | TachyonRoninX | 16 | AlloyWraithX |
7 | NanoVortexX | 17 | NovaCyberFistX |
8 | NeoMechaFangX | 18 | ShadowGlitchX |
9 | HyperdriveSeijiX | 19 | ChromeSpecterX |
10 | TitanCircuitX | 20 | MechanizedShogunX |
➢ Supernatural and Yokai Themed Gamertags 👺
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | OniShadowRyuX | 11 | ForsakenShikigamiX |
2 | KitsuneFangX | 12 | DemonHunterKaiX |
3 | CursedTenguX | 13 | MidnightOnmyojiX |
4 | HollowWraithKenX | 14 | MoonlitOniX |
5 | SpectralRoninX | 15 | SoulboundBakemonoX |
6 | FoxfireYamiX | 16 | YureiSentinelX |
7 | TwilightYokaiX | 17 | CrimsonSpecterX |
8 | PhantomKodamaX | 18 | ShrinePhantomX |
9 | WraithbornTaroX | 19 | EclipseNogitsuneX |
10 | ObakeStrikerX | 20 | GhostbladeSatoshiX |
➢ Power and Energy Themed Anime Gamertags ⚡
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | RaijinNoToraX | 11 | PhotonTatsuX |
2 | ThunderFistAkioX | 12 | FlashstrikeEijiX |
3 | PlasmaKaminariX | 13 | SparkbladeTetsuoX |
4 | ZenitsuHowlX | 14 | ThunderRequiemX |
5 | ShiningVoltX | 15 | ElectroShinsengumiX |
6 | KineticRyokoX | 16 | ArcStrikeRaiX |
7 | BlitzTsunamiX | 17 | BlazingKaminariX |
8 | ChidoriStormX | 18 | StaticTamerX |
9 | TachikazeFuryX | 19 | ShockwaveKiroX |
10 | HypernovaJinX | 20 | OverchargeNoKenX |
➢ Anti Hero and Villain Anime Gamertags 💀
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | CrimsonShogunX | 11 | BloodmoonShinX |
2 | RogueTatsuX | 12 | NocturneKenjiX |
3 | AbyssalAkumaX | 13 | MalevolentTaroX |
4 | ChaosTyrantX | 14 | ShadowHowlAkioX |
5 | OblivionTenshiX | 15 | ReaperOfShinjukuX |
6 | WraithbornShinX | 16 | NightfallTenguX |
7 | DoombringerRinX | 17 | BlackLotusKiroX |
8 | PhantomRoninX | 18 | SinisterHannyaX |
9 | DarkSeraphYujiX | 19 | VengefulKodokuX |
10 | ForsakenRaiX | 20 | HellbornSamuraiX |
➢ Comedy and Parody Anime Gamertags 🎭
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | RamenChampionX | 11 | LoliOverlordX |
2 | ChibiNoKamiX | 12 | OtakuRequiemX |
3 | MochiFistX | 13 | K-PopNinjaX |
4 | BakaStrikerX | 14 | NekoSlayerX |
5 | SenzuSnackX | 15 | UwUHowlerX |
6 | KawaiiReaperX | 16 | IsekaiTruck99X |
7 | SumoGigaChadX | 17 | SugoiPhantomX |
8 | DokiDokiTrollX | 18 | RamenRiderX |
9 | WasabiFuryX | 19 | BanzaiBlitzX |
10 | UltraWeebTatsuX | 20 | AnimePogX |
➢ Martial Arts and Tournament Arc Gamertags 🔥
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | KenpouTornadoX | 11 | DragonFistHowlX |
2 | KyokushinNoKamiX | 12 | CombatShogunX |
3 | RisingTigerAkioX | 13 | ShaolinStormX |
4 | TornadoNoShotoX | 14 | PhoenixRyuX |
5 | ChiBurstJinX | 15 | JadeTigerKenX |
6 | FistOfRisingSunX | 16 | BushidoMasterX |
7 | BlazingCraneX | 17 | IronGripAkiraX |
8 | TempestMonkX | 18 | LotusWraithX |
9 | WindPalmToraX | 19 | WhiteWolfDojoX |
10 | ArcaneMonkSoraX | 20 | FuriousSenseiX |
➢ Miscellaneous Anime and Manga Gamertags 🌠
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | ShoujoReckonX | 6 | LunarBakaX |
2 | TsundereWraithX | 7 | DemonLordChadX |
3 | KaijuRampageX | 8 | UltimateHaremX |
4 | StarboundTatsuoX | 9 | SpiritedStrikerX |
5 | SentaiNovaX | 10 | RoninHowlerX |
These 170 never before seen Anime and Manga Inspired Xbox Usernames capture the essence of shonen battles, isekai fantasies, mecha warfare, supernatural legends and anime humor. 🎌⚡🔥
14. Medieval and Knight Themed Xbox Gamertags
Step into the age of knights, castles and warriors with a medieval Xbox usernames. Whether you’re a noble knight, a fierce warlord or a legendary assassin, these names bring honor and battlefield dominance to your identity.
➢ Chivalrous and Noble Knight Gamertags 🛡️
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | ArgentChampionX | 11 | ShieldBearerX |
2 | ValiantOathX | 12 | RadiantKnightX |
3 | GallantVanguardX | 13 | DawnlightTemplarX |
4 | SirValorcrestX | 14 | OathboundGalahadX |
5 | IvoryTemplarX | 15 | SilverHearthX |
6 | ArgentDefenderX | 16 | HonorboundFalkenX |
7 | RegalSwordwardX | 17 | StalwartCrestX |
8 | NobleHeartX | 18 | ChivalryWardenX |
9 | CelestialPaladinX | 19 | EverbrightSentinelX |
10 | VirtuousLanceX | 20 | DawnshieldSquireX |
➢ War Hardened and Fearless Knight Gamertags ⚔️
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | SteelbloodKnightX | 11 | HammerstrikeSirX |
2 | WarbornLancerX | 12 | BloodOathTemplarX |
3 | SiegebreakerX | 13 | WarbringerCrestX |
4 | IroncladChampionX | 14 | RoaringLionheartX |
5 | BattleforgedGryphonX | 15 | FortifiedSentinelX |
6 | StormbladeRookX | 16 | IronTargeX |
7 | CrimsonWarhelmX | 17 | OathkeeperHowlX |
8 | ThunderousGallantX | 18 | EmberKnightFuryX |
9 | WrathfulGarrisonX | 19 | WarhoundTemplarX |
10 | WarbannerFuryX | 20 | UnyieldingLegionX |
➢ Noble Court and Royalty Gamertags 🏰
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | CrownedChampionX | 11 | CourtlyFalconX |
2 | RegalMonarchX | 12 | DukeOfValorX |
3 | SovereignSableX | 13 | ScepterKnightX |
4 | MajesticThroneX | 14 | GoldenSigilX |
5 | BanneredLionX | 15 | ThronebornGarethX |
6 | CrownbladeVanceX | 16 | NobleHouseAldrinX |
7 | King’sHandWardenX | 17 | DukeLionheartX |
8 | KnightedMajestyX | 18 | GrandKnightOrionX |
9 | GildedWarlordX | 19 | ViceroySentinelX |
10 | BannerLordX | 20 | CrownbearerSirX |
➢ Medieval Legends and Lore Gamertags 🐉
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | GrailSeekerX | 11 | EnchantedExcaliburX |
2 | PendragonOathX | 12 | HeraldOfOathsX |
3 | ArcaneSquireX | 13 | FabledLegionX |
4 | CamelotWardenX | 14 | TemplarMysticX |
5 | LancelotStormX | 15 | HolyGrailHunterX |
6 | WyvernSlayerX | 16 | ArchbladeLoreX |
7 | AvalonHeraldX | 17 | SaintedSwordX |
8 | CursedBloodlineX | 18 | WyrmguardX |
9 | MythicHalberdX | 19 | EpicBalladX |
10 | TitanKnightmareX | 20 | DraconicBastionX |
➢ Templar and Holy Order Gamertags 🔱
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | SacredLanceX | 11 | DawnCrusaderX |
2 | DivineBastionX | 12 | BlessedVanguardX |
3 | OathswornTemplarX | 13 | OracleKnightX |
4 | IlluminatedWardenX | 14 | HolyWarpathX |
5 | SanctifiedChampionX | 15 | SaintedGuardianX |
6 | CelestialInquisitorX | 16 | GuardianOfFaithX |
7 | HeraldOfLightX | 17 | CelestialValorX |
8 | RighteousFuryX | 18 | GildedCrossX |
9 | SacredOathbladeX | 19 | OrderOfTheLanceX |
10 | KnightOfTheCrossX | 20 | SacredSigilX |
➢ Barbarian and Mercenary Gamertags 🔥
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | BattleborneSavageX | 11 | RoaringBearLordX |
2 | IronFangMarauderX | 12 | FrostfangWarlordX |
3 | SkullsplitterHordeX | 13 | BonecrusherKnightX |
4 | BloodFuryRaiderX | 14 | WarbornRavagerX |
5 | StormbornBerserkerX | 15 | BlackenedAxeX |
6 | RavagingTemplarX | 16 | OutlandRaiderX |
7 | CrimsonPillageX | 17 | DragonfangMarauderX |
8 | OathbreakerRageX | 18 | SteelReaperX |
9 | ThunderFangX | 19 | AshenConquerorX |
10 | FeralVanguardX | 20 | WarhoundLegionX |
➢ Dark and Rogue Knight Gamertags 🌑
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | ShadowbornKnightX | 11 | OathboundShadeX |
2 | AbyssalSquireX | 12 | LunarBastionX |
3 | ForsakenTemplarX | 13 | ObsidianSovereignX |
4 | MidnightVanguardX | 14 | CorruptPaladinX |
5 | PhantomLancerX | 15 | TheFallenKnightX |
6 | RavencrestKnightX | 16 | BlackveilTemplarX |
7 | WraithbladeLegionX | 17 | AshenLordsX |
8 | VeilborneGalahadX | 18 | PhantomLionX |
9 | NocturneChampionX | 19 | ForgottenHeraldX |
10 | DuskriderX | 20 | DoomedChaliceX |
➢ Siege and Castle Themed Gamertags 🪓
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | FortressBreakerX | 11 | BannerfortBlightX |
2 | SiegebornKnightX | 12 | CrimsonSiegeX |
3 | BattlefrontGuardianX | 13 | ToweringDefenderX |
4 | GarrisonChampionX | 14 | WarhornBastionX |
5 | WatchtowerSentinelX | 15 | UnyieldingParapetX |
6 | IronKeepWardenX | 16 | SteelGarrisonX |
7 | WarTornBulwarkX | 17 | VaultkeeperX |
8 | CastleKeepLanceX | 18 | BastionDefenderX |
9 | WallbreakerKnightX | 19 | TheLastStrongholdX |
10 | StrongholdWardenX | 20 | CitadelGuardianX |
➢ Blacksmith and Weapon Gamertags 🛠️
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | RuneforgeKnightX | 6 | DragonfireSmithX |
2 | InfernalAnvilX | 7 | StormhammerKnightX |
3 | EmbersteelLanceX | 8 | TitanSmithX |
4 | ArcaneBladeMasonX | 9 | MythrilTemperedX |
5 | WarforgedAegisX | 10 | CrimsonEdgeX |
These 170 Medieval and Knight Themed Gamertags capture the spirit of legendary warriors, fearless champions, noble lords and war hardened mercenaries. Perfect for chivalrous knights, ruthless conquerors and castle defenders! 🏰⚔️🔥
15. Hacker and Tech Xbox Gamertags
For digital warriors and cyber masterminds, a hacker Xbox Gamertag is all about being one step ahead. Inspired by coding, AI and cyberpunk themes, these names give you a futuristic and tech savvy edge.
➢ Cyberpunk and Futuristic Gamertags 🖥️
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | ByteCipherX | 11 | RootkitPhantomX |
2 | GlitchSpecterX | 12 | FirewallEclipseX |
3 | ShadowRootX | 13 | SignalHijackX |
4 | NeonInjectorX | 14 | DarkScriptX |
5 | HackneticX | 15 | QuantumGhostX |
6 | ProtocolGhostX | 16 | DataEclipseX |
7 | PixelBreachX | 17 | BlackICE404X |
8 | ZeroSyncX | 18 | MalwareZenX |
9 | AugmentXploitX | 19 | CodePhantomX |
10 | CyberRogueX | 20 | CyberNexusX |
➢ Stealth Hacker and Spy Gamertags 🔍
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | SilentDecryptX | 11 | KeystrokeViperX |
2 | NullByteSpyX | 12 | SniffingSpecterX |
3 | DisruptAgentX | 13 | CovertCloakX |
4 | CipherClawX | 14 | XploitMaskX |
5 | PhantomProxyX | 15 | HiddenDaemonX |
6 | EnigmaSpoofX | 16 | InfiltraZeroX |
7 | CovertKernelX | 17 | CloakwareX |
8 | WiresharkGhostX | 18 | IncognitoTracerX |
9 | StealthPayloadX | 19 | TacticodeX |
10 | ProxyRogueX | 20 | VeilBreakX |
➢ Retro and Classic Hacker Gamertags 💾
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | DOSWarriorX | 11 | FloppyByteX |
2 | Cyber88X | 12 | ByteFreakX |
3 | NeoMainframeX | 13 | PortScanX |
4 | DataPunkX | 14 | BlueScreenRogueX |
5 | DiskettePhantomX | 15 | MS_DOS_XploitX |
6 | 8BitVirusX | 16 | CyberNostalgiaX |
7 | ShellshockX | 17 | BootSectorX |
8 | OldSchoolRootX | 18 | ASCIIPhantomX |
9 | DOSExecX | 19 | BIOSPhreakX |
10 | TerminalKnightX | 20 | DiskHackX |
➢ Underground and Darknet Gamertags ⚡
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | NullSectorX | 11 | OnionLayerX |
2 | DeepCoreX | 12 | HiddenDaemonX |
3 | AnonCipherX | 13 | CipherSpecterX |
4 | DarknetCrawlerX | 14 | Untraceable0X |
5 | ShadowBytesX | 15 | CyberCrimsonX |
6 | TheHidden404X | 16 | SubnetWraithX |
7 | ZeroGateX | 17 | CryptoGhostX |
8 | BackdoorX | 18 | FirewallVoidX |
9 | ExploitGhostX | 19 | IP_MaskX |
10 | An0nym0usX | 20 | RootNodeX |
➢ Code and Script Gamertags 👨💻
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | SyntaxOverlordX | 11 | BashReaperX |
2 | BitwiseX | 12 | KernelKillerX |
3 | JavaSpecterX | 13 | PhantomOpcodeX |
4 | CodedSpecterX | 14 | InfiniteLoopX |
5 | CompilerGhostX | 15 | SegfaultX |
6 | PythonVenomX | 16 | DevNullX |
7 | ExecuteHavocX | 17 | BitCrushX |
8 | EchoPhantomX | 18 | NullReferenceX |
9 | MemoryLeakX | 19 | StackOverflowedX |
10 | JavaNullX | 20 | HexaGhostX |
➢ Security and Encryption Gamertags 🛠️
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | AESPhantomX | 11 | TrojanEclipseX |
2 | HashCipherX | 12 | SHA256KnightX |
3 | MD5GhostX | 13 | AES256X |
4 | CryptoSpoofX | 14 | EncryptedNexusX |
5 | RSA_SpecterX | 15 | WEPWraithX |
6 | SSLFreakX | 16 | CyberSecGhostX |
7 | HttpsWraithX | 17 | PacketInterceptX |
8 | PassKeyHavocX | 18 | SecureShellX |
9 | KeyloggerX | 19 | HashHunterX |
10 | FirewallRogueX | 20 | BlackHatWraithX |
➢ Gaming and Glitch Inspired Hacker Gamertags 🕹️
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | LagSwitchX | 11 | ServerGlitchX |
2 | HitboxHavocX | 12 | GlitcherX |
3 | AimBotGlitchX | 13 | DDOSOverlordX |
4 | PingSpoofX | 14 | OneHitHackX |
5 | LagByteX | 15 | CodeInjectX |
6 | GhostFrameX | 16 | CheatEngineX |
7 | NoClipSpecterX | 17 | ScriptKiddieX |
8 | XploitGamerX | 18 | PayloadHexX |
9 | SpeedHackX | 19 | GlitchX |
10 | AntiCheatRogueX | 20 | RedRingX |
➢ Machine Learning and AI Gamertags 🌌
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | NeuralCipherX | 7 | CyborgKernelX |
2 | DeepFakeX | 8 | AI_HauntedX |
3 | AIOverrideX | 9 | ZeroDayAIX |
4 | SentientBitX | 10 | AutomatedDaemonX |
5 | DeepMindRogueX | 11 | GeneticSpecterX |
6 | LearningLoopX | 12 | SingularityX |
➢ Quantum and Advanced Tech Gamertags 🚀
No. | Gamertag | No. | Gamertag |
1 | QuantumGlitchX | 11 | SingularityByteX |
2 | HyperBitX | 12 | QubitWardenX |
3 | EntangledByteX | 13 | NeutrinoPulseX |
4 | WormholeHackX | 14 | FuturewaveX |
5 | CyberSingularityX | 15 | DarkEnergyX |
6 | TachyonXploitX | 16 | QuantumEchoX |
7 | DarkMatterRootX | 17 | PhotonBladeX |
8 | PhotonCipherX | 18 | QubitOverlordX |
9 | QubitSpecterX | 19 | InfinityCodeX |
10 | NanoByteX | 20 | AntimatterHackX |
These 172 Hacker and Tech Gamertags cover a range of themes including cybersecurity, AI, dark web, retro hacking, game glitches and futuristic quantum tech. Perfect for elite hackers, cyber warriors and tech savvy gamers! 🔥💻🕶️
Also Read: Games Like GTA V for Android
How to Change Xbox Gamertag / Username
1. On Xbox Console (Series X/S and One)
- Step 1: Press the Xbox Button
- Step 2: Go to Profile and System.
- Step 3: Select Customize Profile
- Step 4: Choose “Change Gamertag” and enter a new name.
- Step 5: Check availability If taken, tweak it until it’s unique.
- Step 6: Confirm and Apply
Note: If it’s your first change, it’s free; otherwise, a fee applies.
2. On PC (Xbox Website)
- Step 1: Log in to your Microsoft account and visit Xbox Gamertag change page
- Step 2: Enter a new Gamertag
- Step 3: Check availability and adjust if needed.
- Step 4: Confirm Change
Note: fees apply after the first free change).
3. On Xbox App
- Step 1: Open the Xbox app and sign in.
- Step 2: Tap on Your Profile
- Step 3: Select change Gamertag and enter a new name.
- Step 4: Check and Confirm Finalize update.
Also Read: Cheat Engine Alternative
Here, we have listed all the cool Xbox Gamertag ideas including badass and warrior names, funny and witty tags, sci-fi and futuristic options, mythical and fantasy inspired names, as well as dark and mysterious usernames.
We’ve also covered speed and racing themed names, animal and beast inspired, gamer and meme culture references, cool and stylish options, horror and creepy good Xbox usernames, superhero and villain names, elemental and nature themed tags, anime and manga inspired choices, medieval and knight themed names, hacker and tech inspired and even more good Xbox names Gamertags.
Additionally, we have explained everything from how to choose the perfect Gamertag to how to change it whenever needed.
Create a unique gamertags and make your mark in the Xbox community! 🖤👽